- sicomore
- (si-ko-mo-r') s. m.Voy. sycomore.
Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. d'Émile Littré. 1872-1877.
Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. d'Émile Littré. 1872-1877.
SICOMORE — s. m. Voyez SYCOMORE … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
sycomore — [ sikɔmɔr ] n. m. • sicamor 1160; lat. sycomorus, gr. sukomoros, de sukon « figue » et moron « mûre » 1 ♦ Figuier originaire d Égypte, aux fruits comestibles, au bois très léger et incorruptible. 2 ♦ (XVIe) Érable blanc (Acer pseudoplatanus), dit … Encyclopédie Universelle
sycamore — /sik euh mawr , mohr /, n. 1. Also called buttonwood. any of several North American plane trees, esp. Platanus occidentalis, having shallowly lobed ovate leaves, globular seed heads, and wood valued as timber. 2. Brit. the sycamore maple. 3. a… … Universalium
sycomore — (si ko mo r ) s. m. 1° Nom vulgaire et spécifique du figuier sycomore, urticées. • L Arabe m a fait voir les tombes de nos soldats, sous les sycomores du Caire, CHATEAUBR. Itin. part. 1. 2° Nom donné vulgairement, mais à tort, à tort, à l… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Sickamore — Recorded in various spellings including Sickamore, Sicomore, Sucamore, Succamore, Sycamore, and possibly others, this is an English surname. Inspite of its spellings it has nothing directly to do with trees . The sycamore tree was an import from… … Surnames reference
Succamore — Recorded in various spellings including Sickamore, Sicomore, Sucamore, Succamore, Sycamore, and possibly others, this is an English surname. Inspite of its spellings it has nothing directly to do with trees . The sycamore tree was an import from… … Surnames reference
sycamore — [sik′ə môr΄] n. [ME sicomore < OFr sicamor < L sycomorus < Gr sykomoros, prob. altered (after sykon, fig + moron, black mulberry) < Heb shikma, mulberry] 1. a fig tree (Ficus sycamorus) native to Egypt and Asia Minor, with edible… … English World dictionary