
(ré-si-pro-ka-sion) s. f.
   Action par laquelle on reçoit la pareille.
   La réciprocation d'idées dont on parle ne se trouve point dans la pratique des thèmes, DUMARS. Oeuv. t. I, p. 128.
   Ancien terme de physique. Réciprocation du pendule, mouvements que certains philosophes croyaient être communiqués au pendule par le mouvement de la terre.
   XVIe s.
   Ce debat là ne sentiroit pas sa reciprocation de remontrance, mais plutost son coeur felon, qui ne pourroit supporter qu'on luy feist aucune remonstrance, AMYOT Comm. discern. le flatt. 58.
   Lat. reciprocationem (voy. réciproque).

Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. . 1872-1877.

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  • Reciprocation — may refer to* Reciprocation (motion), a type of oscillatory motion, as in the action of a reciprocating saw * Reciprocation (geometry), an operation in geometry related to circle inversion by which every point is transformed into a unique line… …   Wikipedia

  • Reciprocation — Re*cip ro*ca tion (r[ e]*s[i^]p r[ o]*k[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [L. reciprocatio: cf. F. r[ e]ciprocation.] 1. The act of reciprocating; interchange of acts; a mutual giving and returning; as, the reciprocation of kindness. [1913 Webster] 2. Alternate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reciprocation — index exchange, interchange, mutuality, quid pro quo, reciprocity, reply, reprisal, retribution, revenge …   Law dictionary

  • reciprocation — (n.) 1520s, from L. reciprocationem (nom. reciprocatio) retrogression, alternation, ebb, noun of action from pp. stem of reciprocare move back and forth, from reciprocus (see RECIPROCAL (Cf. reciprocal)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • reciprocation — Reciprocation, ou Retour, Reciprocatio …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • reciprocation — noun a) The act of reciprocating; interchange of acts; a mutual giving and returning; as, the reciprocation of kindness. ... the same pendulum alwayes maketh its reciprocations in equall times. b) Alternate recurrence or action; as, the… …   Wiktionary

  • reciprocation — /ri sip reuh kay sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of reciprocating. 2. a returning, usually for something given. 3. a mutual giving and receiving. 4. the state of being reciprocal or corresponding. [1520 30; < L reciprocation (s. of… …   Universalium

  • reciprocation — reciprocate ► VERB ▪ respond to (a gesture, action, or emotion) with a corresponding one. DERIVATIVES reciprocation noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Reciprocation (motion) — See Reciprocal for mathematical terminology .Reciprocation is the action in which a body s displacement returns to its starting location in a given time repeatedly, the velocity over which the displacement occurs with each repetition not… …   Wikipedia

  • reciprocation — noun Date: 1561 1. a. a mutual exchange b. a return in kind or of like value 2. an alternating motion • reciprocative adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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