forlonge — ⇒FORLONGE, subst. masc. VÉN. Action de (se) forlonger. P. métaphore. Quel beau forlonge, Hercule, pour ta biche aux pieds d airain! (LA VARENDE, Nez de Cuir, 1936, p. 44). [Le suj. désigne un chien, une meute] Aller, chasser de forlonge. Suivre,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
forlonge — Forlonge, ou Fortlonge, c est un terme de venerie, qui signifie moult loing, qui est quand la beste fuit devant long traict, Selon ce on dit que un chien chasse de forlonge, quand il ne suit de pres sa chasse, Eminus feram persequitur: Et qu il… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
forlonge — (for lon j ) s. m. Terme de chasse. Il va de forlonge, il chasse le forlonge, se dit d un chien qui suit de loin, qui chasse de loin. ÉTYMOLOGIE Voy. forlonger … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Forlonge — Recorded in the spellings of Forlong, Forlonge, Furlong and Furlonge, this is an English medieval surname. It derives from the pre 7th century Olde English furlange meaning a long furrow , and this in turn came to be associated by useage with a… … Surnames reference
Forlonge — furlong; the length of time it takes to go a furlong … Medieval glossary
Forlonge — /ˈfɜlɒŋə/ (say ferlonguh) noun 1. Eliza, Australian wool producer, born in the UK, arrived in Tasmania 1831; pioneered the importation of fine wool sheep to Victoria. 2. Janet Janet → Templeton. 3. William, 1811–90, son of Eliza, Australian… …
Eliza Forlonge — (1784 1859) was an Australian pioneer who played a large part in introducing Merino sheep to the south east part of the country.She hailed from Scotland. She tramped Saxony selecting the best sheep she could find, then shipped them to… … Wikipedia
forlonger — [ fɔrlɔ̃ʒe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 3> • 1778; intr. 1375; forsloignier XIIe; de fors et longer ♦ Vén. Laisser en arrière, distancer. Cerf qui forlonge la meute. ⇒FORLONGER, verbe. VÉNERIE A. Emploi intrans. [Le suj. désigne un animal traqué] S… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Members of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, 1864–1869 — This is a list of members of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly elected for the 5th Legislative Assembly at the 1864 colonial election. Name Electorate Years in office Alexander, MauriceMaurice Alexander Goulburn 1861–1872 Arnold, William… … Wikipedia
FORLONGER — v. n. T. de Chasse. Il se dit proprement Des bêtes qui, étant chassées, s éloignent du pays où elles font leur séjour ordinaire. Il se dit également Du cerf, quand il a bien de l avance sur les chiens. Ce cerf forlonge. Il s emploie aussi avec … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)