Synchysis — Syn chy*sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to confound; sy n with + ? to pour.] A derangement or confusion of any kind, as of words in a sentence, or of humors in the eye. [1913 Webster] {Sparkling synchysis} (Med.), a condition in which the vitreous … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Synchysis — is an interlocked word order, in the form A B A B; which often display change and difference. This poetry form was a favorite with Latin poets. They are often employed to demonstrate such change within the event in which they are situated; on… … Wikipedia
Synchysis — (gr.), 1) Zusammengießung, Verwirrung; 2) Auflösung des Glaskörpers des Auges, wobei derselbe seine eiweisartige Consistenz verliert u. in eine mehr flüssige übergeht u. der Augapfel sich weicher u. mehr teigig anfühlt. Die Iris verräth… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Synchysis — Synchysis, griech., Verschmelzung, Auflösung der flüssigen Theile des inneren Auges; in der Grammatik Vermischung der zu scheidenden Wörter … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
synchysis — /singˈki sis/ noun 1. Confusion of meaning due to unusual arrangement (rhetoric) 2. Fluidity of the vitreous humour of the eye (pathology) ORIGIN: Gr, from syn together, with, and cheein to pour … Useful english dictionary
synchysis — ● synchisis ou synchysis nom masculin (grec sugkhusis, confusion) Lésion du globe oculaire, consistant en un ramollissement du corps vitré avec opacités flottant à l intérieur. ⇒SYNCHYSIS, subst. masc. PATHOL. Lésion du globe oculaire consistant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Synchysis — En retórica, la synchysis (o mixtura verborum), dentro de las figuras literarias, es una de las figuras de posición. Se trata del recurso literario que provoca un mayor grado de confusión sintáctica pues, a través de hipérbatos y anástrofes,… … Wikipedia Español
Synchysis scintillans — is a degenerative condition of the eye seen uncommonly in dogs, resulting in liquified vitreous humor and the accumulation of cholesterol crystals within the vitreous. It is also known as cholesterosis bulbi. The vitreous liquifies in a process… … Wikipedia
synchysis scintillans — (греч. synchysis смешение, разрушение; лат. scintillans сверкающий, мерцающий) наблюдаемое в свете щелевой лампы перемещение золотистых блестящих точек в стекловидном теле, обусловленное его разжижением с образованием кристаллов холестерина и… … Большой медицинский словарь
Synchysis — См. sìnchisi … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов