- natant
- natant, ante(na-tan, tan-t') adj.Terme de botanique. Qui nage sur l'eau. Feuille natante.Peu usité ; on dit nageant.Lat. natantem, nageant.
Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. d'Émile Littré. 1872-1877.
Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. d'Émile Littré. 1872-1877.
natant — natánt adj. m., pl. natánţi; f. sg. natántă, pl. natánte Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic NATÁNT, Ă adj. (Despre frunzele plantelor acvatice) Care pluteşte la suprafaţa apei. [cf … Dicționar Român
Natant — Na tant, a. [L. natans, antis, from swim, v. intens. fr. nare to swim: cf. F. natant.] 1. (Bot.) Floating in water, as the leaves of water lilies, or submersed, as those of many aquatic plants. [1913 Webster] 2. (Her.) Placed horizontally across… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nătânt — adj., s. v. bleg, nătăfleţ, nătărău, nătâng, neghiob, nerod, netot, prost, prostănac, stupid, tont, tontălău. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … Dicționar Român
natant — (adj.) 1707, from L. natantem, prp. of natare to swim, frequentative of nare to swim (see NATATORIUM (Cf. natatorium)) … Etymology dictionary
natant — [nā′tənt] adj. [L natans, prp. of natare, to swim < IE * (s)net < base * (s)na , to flow > Gr nēchein, to swim, nēsos, island, L nare, to swim, OIr snām, swimming] swimming or floating; esp., floating on the surface of water … English World dictionary
natant — adjective Etymology: Middle English natand, from Latin natant , natans, present participle of natare to swim; akin to Latin nare to swim; akin to Greek nein, nēchein to swim, Sanskrit snāti he bathes Date: 15th century swimming or floating in… … New Collegiate Dictionary
natant — natantly, adv. /nayt nt/, adj. 1. swimming; floating. 2. Bot. floating on water, as the leaf of an aquatic plant. [1700 10; < L natant (s. of natans), prp. of natare to swim; see ANT] * * * … Universalium
natant — [ neɪt(ə)nt] adjective technical or literary swimming or floating. Derivatives natation nə teɪʃ(ə)n noun natatorial ˌneɪtə tɔ:rɪəl adjective natatory neɪtət(ə)ri, nə teɪt(ə)ri adjective … English new terms dictionary
natant — na•tant [[t]ˈneɪt nt[/t]] adj. swimming; floating • Etymology: 1700–10; < L natant , s. of natāns, prp. of natāre to swim … From formal English to slang
natant — ˈnātənt adjective Etymology: Latin natant , natans, present participle of natare to swim, float; akin to Latin nare to swim, float more at nourish : swimming or floating in water … Useful english dictionary