
lox- et loxo-
Préfixe qui, venant du grec, signifie oblique ; comparez le latin luxus, ôté de sa place, et voy. luxer.

Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. . 1872-1877.

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  • Lox — lox, Lox [Abk. für engl. liquid oxygen = fl. Sauerstoff]: fl. O2 als Oxidationsmittel in Raketentreibstoffen. * * * Lox   [eləʊ eks], Abkürzung für englisch liquid oxygen, flüssiger Sauerstoff als Oxidationsmittel für Raketentreibstoffe …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lox — lox1 [läks] n. [via Yiddish < Ger lachs, salmon, akin to OE leax, salmon, Tocharian lakṣi, fish < IE * lak̆sos, salmon < base * lak̆ , speckled] a variety of salty smoked salmon lox2 [läks] n. [l(iquid) ox(ygen)] liquid oxygen, esp. when …   English World dictionary

  • lox — [lɔks US la:ks] n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; : Yiddish; Origin: laks, from Middle High German lahs salmon ] especially AmE ↑salmon that has been treated with smoke in order to preserve it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lox — [ laks ] noun uncount AMERICAN SMOKED SALMON …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • lox — (n.) 1934, American English, from Yiddish laks, from M.H.G. lahs salmon, from P.Gmc. *lakhs , from the common IE root for the fish, *laks (Cf. Lith. laszisza, Rus. losos, Pol. Е‚osoЕ› salmon ) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Lox — For other uses, see Lox (disambiguation). Lox served with a bagel Lox is salmon fillet that has been cured. In its most popular form, it is thinly sliced less than 5 millimetres (0.20 in) in thickness and, typically, served on a bagel, often …   Wikipedia

  • lox — lox1 /loks/, n. a kind of brine cured salmon, having either a salt cure (Scandinavian lox) or a sugar cure (Nova Scotia lox), often eaten with cream cheese on a bagel. [1940 45; < Yiddish laks salmon; cf. MHG, OHG lahs, c. OE leax, ON lax] lox2… …   Universalium

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