GUTTA-PERCHA — Matériau jaunâtre ou brunâtre, ayant l’apparence du cuir, la gutta percha provient du latex de certains arbres de Malaisie, du Pacifique Sud et d’Amérique du Sud, en particulier Pallaquium oblongifolia et, jadis, P. gutta . Pour recueillir le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gutta-Percha — Voir « gutta percha » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
Gutta Percha — (Gutta tuban, Gummi gettania). ist eine dem Kautschuk in vieler Beziehung ähnliche Substanz, welche durch Eindicken des Milchsaftes eines Baumes, Isonandra Gutta (I. percha Hooker), welcher in die Familie der Sapotaceen od. Ebenaceen gehört u. an … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
gutta-percha — 1845, from Malay getah percha, lit. the gum of percha, the name of the tree; the form of the word influenced by L. gutta drop. As the name of the tree itself, from 1860 … Etymology dictionary
Gutta-percha — Gut ta per cha, n. [Malay gutah gum + pertja the tree from which is it procured.] A concrete juice produced by various trees found in the Malayan archipelago, especially by the {Isonandra Gutta}, syn. {Dichopsis Gutta}. It becomes soft, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gutta-Percha — Gutta Percha, der eingetrocknete Saft des hinterindischen Baumes Isonandra Gutta, dem Kautschuk sehr ähnlich, wird in heißem Wasser erweicht u. läßt sich alsdann beliebig formen. Mit Schwefel zusammengeschmolzen (vulkanisirt) wird die G. P. sehr… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
gutta-percha — [gut΄ə pʉr′chə] n. [< Malay < getah, tree sap, latex + ? perca, rag, strip of cloth (so called because sold in strips): form infl. by L gutta, a drop] a rubberlike gum produced from the latex of various SE Asian trees (esp. genera Palaquium … English World dictionary
Gutta-percha — Taxobox name = Gutta percha image width = 240px image caption = Palaquium gutta regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Ericales familia = Sapotaceae genus = Palaquium genus authority = Blanco subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia
Gutta-percha — Structure isoprénique 1,4 trans d une chaîne polymère de gutta percha Palaquium gutt … Wikipédia en Français
gutta-percha — The coagulated, purified, dried, milky juice of trees of the genera Palaguium and Payena (family Sapotaceae); used as a filling material in dentistry, and in the manufacture of splints and electrical insulators; a solution is used as a substitute … Medical dictionary