
(entrée créée par le supplément)
(ghèz') s. m.
Nom de la langue parlée en Abyssinie.
   Le ghez ou idiome abyssin est un reste vivant de l'antique langue de l'Yémen, FR. LENORMANT Man. d'hist. anc. VII, les Arabes, p. 279.

Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. . 1872-1877.

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  • Andrea Ghez — Andrea Mia Ghez (* 16. Juni 1965 in New York City) ist eine US amerikanische Astronomin. Ghez studierte Physik am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Bachelor 1987) und ihren Master Abschluss 1989 am Caltech, wo sie 1992 promoviert wurde.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ariana Ghez — (born 1979) is an American classical oboist. She pursued her undergraduate studies at Columbia University where she majored in English literature. Subsequent to graduation, she enrolled at the Juilliard School of Music, where she was a student of …   Wikipedia

  • ghezzo — ghéz·zo agg., s.m. BU 1a. agg., di qcn., che ha la carnagione scura, bruna 1b. agg., dell uva matura, di funghi e sim., di colore nerastro 2. s.m. RE tosc., specie di fungo | specie di corvo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1294. ETIMO: lat.… …   Dizionario italiano

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