
(fa-ssi-ku-la-sion) s. f.
Terme d'anatomie. Disposition en fascicules ou faisceaux. Fasciculation des muscles du larynx.

Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. . 1872-1877.

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  • fasciculation — ● fasciculation nom féminin Disposition en fascicules, en faisceaux. Contraction localisée de faisceaux musculaires …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fasciculation — See also: Twitch (disambiguation) and Tremor Fasciculation ICD 10 R25.3 ICD 9 781.0 DiseasesDB …   Wikipedia

  • Fasciculation — Sommaire 1 Neurologie 2 Physiologie 3 Physiopathologie 4 Liens externes Neurologie La fasciculation est la tendance qu’ont les …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • fasciculation — 1. An arrangement in the form of fasciculi. 2. Involuntary contractions, or twitchings, of groups (fasciculi) of muscle fibers, a coarser form of muscular contraction than fibrillation. * * * fas·cic·u·la·tion fə .sik yə lā shən, fa …   Medical dictionary

  • fasciculation — n. brief spontaneous contraction of a few muscle fibres, which is seen as a flicker of movement under the skin. It is most often associated with disease of the lower motor neurones (e.g. motor neurone disease). Fasciculation may be seen in the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • fasciculation potential — an electrical potential that occurs with a fasciculation, similar in appearance to a motor unit action potential but occurring spontaneously. These may appear singly or in groups; complex or iterative ones occur in motor unit disorders …   Medical dictionary

  • fasciculation — noun Date: 1938 muscular twitching involving the simultaneous contraction of contiguous groups of muscle fibers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fasciculation — /feuh sik yeuh lay sheuhn/, n. a fascicular condition. [1935 40; FASCICULATE + ION] * * * …   Universalium

  • fasciculation — noun An involuntary muscle twitch, usually localised and temporary …   Wiktionary

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