
(pèr-mik-sti-on) s. f.
Terme de chimie. Mélange complet.
   XVIe s.
   Le sang est composé d'une egale permistion et meslange des quatre humeurs, PARÉ XX, 15.
   Lat. permixtionem, de per, et mixtionem, mixtion.

Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré. . 1872-1877.

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  • permixtion — Permistion Per*mis tion, n. [L. permistio, permixtio, fr. permiscere, permistum, and permixtum. See {Permiscible}.] The act of mixing; the state of being mingled; mixture. [Written also {permixtion}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Permistion — Per*mis tion, n. [L. permistio, permixtio, fr. permiscere, permistum, and permixtum. See {Permiscible}.] The act of mixing; the state of being mingled; mixture. [Written also {permixtion}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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