incuse — [ ɛ̃kyz ] adj. f. et n. f. • 1692; lat. incusa « frappée » ♦ Techn. Se dit d une médaille sans revers, ou qui porte en creux l image en relief de l autre côté. Une médaille incuse ou n. f. une incuse. ● incus, incuse adjectif (latin incusus,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Incuse — In*cuse , a. [See {Incuse}, v. t.] (Numismatics) Cut or stamped in, or hollowed out by engraving. Irregular incuse square. Dr. W. Smith … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Incuse — In*cuse , Incuss In*cuss , v. t. [L. incussus, p. p. of incutere to strike. See 1st {In }, and {Concuss}.] To form, or mold, by striking or stamping, as a coin or medal. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
incuse — [in kyo͞oz′, inkyo͞os′] adj. [L incusus, pp. of incudere, to forge with a hammer < in , in, on + cudere, to strike, hit: see HEW] hammered or stamped in: said of the design on a coin n. such a design … English World dictionary
INCUSE — adj. f. Il se dit Des médailles dont la fabrication a été manquée, de manière que l un des côtés, ou même les deux, sont gravés en creux, au lieu de l être en relief. Médaille incuse. On dit quelquefois substantivement, Une incuse … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
INCUSE — adj. f. Dont l’un des côtés, ou même les deux, sont gravés en creux en parlant de Médailles. Médaille incuse. On dit quelquefois comme nom Une incuse … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
incuse — 1. adjective hammered or pressed in (usually on a coin) The back of the coin bears an incuse coat of arms. 2. noun an impression hammered or pressed (onto a coin) This coins incuse is of a most curious design … Wiktionary
incuse — /in kyoohz , kyoohs /, adj., n., v., incused, incusing. adj. 1. hammered or stamped in, as a figure on a coin. n. 2. an incuse figure or impression. v.t. 3. to stamp or hammer in, as a design or figure in a coin. [1810 20; < L incusus ptp. of… … Universalium
incuse — /ɪnˈkjuz/ (say in kyoohz) adjective 1. hammered or stamped in, as a figure on a coin. –noun 2. an incuse figure or impression. –verb (t) (incused, incusing) 3. to hammer or stamp, as a figure on a coin. {Latin incūsus, past participle, forged… …
incuse — adjective Etymology: Latin incusus, past participle of incudere to stamp, strike, from in + cudere to beat more at hew Date: 1818 formed by stamping or punching in used chiefly of old coins or features of their design … New Collegiate Dictionary