crou — crou·pade; crou·pi·er; crou·pon; crou·stade; crou·ton; … English syllables
crou|pi|er — «KROO pee uhr», noun. 1. an attendant at a gambling table who spins the wheel or throws the dice, rakes in the money, and pays the winners. 2. a person who sits at the lower end of the table at a public dinner and acts as assistant chairman.… … Useful english dictionary
crou|ton — «KROO ton», noun. a small piece of toasted or fried bread, often served in soup. ╂[< French croûton < croûte, earlier crouste crust < Latin crusta] … Useful english dictionary
Crou — nm sorte de terre argileuse et pierreuse Cantal … Glossaire des noms topographiques en France
crou·pi·er — /ˈkruːpijɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] : a person whose job is to collect and pay out money in a casino … Useful english dictionary
crou·ton — /ˈkruːˌtɑːn/ noun, pl tons [count] : a small piece of bread that is toasted or fried until it is crisp ◇ Croutons are usually served on salads or in soups … Useful english dictionary
croupier — crou·pi·er … English syllables
Croupade — Crou|pa|de 〈[kru ] f. 19〉 = Kruppade * * * Crou|pa|de [kru…]: ↑ Kruppade. * * * Croupade [kru , französisch] die, / n, hohe Schule: Kruppade. * * * Crou|pa|de … Universal-Lexikon
Croupier — Crou|pi|er 〈[ krupje:] m. 6〉 Bankhalter einer Spielbank [frz.] * * * Crou|pi|er [kru pi̯e: ], der; s, s [frz. croupier, eigtl. = Hintermann, zu: croupe, ↑ Kruppe]: Angestellter einer Spielbank, der die Einsätze einzieht, die Gewinne auszahlt u.… … Universal-Lexikon
Crouton — Crou|ton 〈[krutɔ̃:] m. 6〉 gerösteter Brotbrocken (als Suppeneinlage o. Ä.) [frz., „Brotkruste“ <croûte „Kruste, Rinde“] * * * Croû|ton [kru tõ:], der; [s], s <meist Pl.> [frz. croûton, eigtl. = Brotkruste, zu: croûte = Kruste, Rinde… … Universal-Lexikon